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The Bank Clippings 2/46

Variety, New York, August 6, 1915.

Baseball Player Nick Altrock, Chicago White Sox, American

League, 1912, Bain News Service, Library of Congress

& Yankee Stadium, interior, New York, 1935-1947, New York

City Municipal Archives

& Nick Altrock, who goes to movies and reads the comic papers,

has invented for himself a new caper to show the fans

around the American League circuit. It is nothing more than

a Charlie Chaplin walk and run. He showed it to the

New York fans for a starter and it made an instant hit with them.

Over here Charlie Chaplin is a hero, with dozens of

imitators standing out in front of those theaters where his pictures

are being shown.

(...) Washington Times, Washington, D. C., April 26, 1915

„The main strength of General Film“

Editorial content. „GEN. FILM‘S REPORTED BREAK


      Story Members V. L. S. E. Feature Combination

      May Withdraw Daily Releases from G. F.

      Distribution. Other Members Reported Dissatisfied.

      A further break likely to occur within the ranks

of the Motion Picture Patents Co. members, who now release

their daily short reel film output through the General

Film Co., will take away from the agency, it is said, the product

of the M. P. manufacturers now linked with the feature

film service known as the V-L-S-E. These are the Vitagraph,

Lubin, Selig and Essanay.“ (...)

      „Of late the main strength of General Film has been

the Essanay-Chaplin comedy releases, that could

be only secured by exhibitors from the G. F., the latter tacitly

making the condition any exhibitor who used a Chaplin

from it must also take other G. F. service.“ (...)

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