The Cure Clippings 1/70
El Paso Herald, El Paso, Texas, November 28, 1916
Charlie Chaplin, whose salary is nearly seven times
that of the President of the United States.
(...) Underwood and Underwood Photo, Picture-Play, July 1916
& AGAIN (...)
UNIVERSAL Animated Weekly
Special Release (...)
Russian Revolution
(...) Moving Picture World, July 28, 1917
& If it‘s interesting it‘s in The Hearst-Pathé News (...)
With the Allies at Salonica.
(...) Photo, Motion Picture News, March 24, 1917
„Military fashion of the moment is the Charlie Chaplin mustache“
Editorial content. „Late dispatches from London state
that the military fashion of the moment is the Charlie Chaplin
mustache. Englishmen lately have adopted the
American style of clean-shaven upper lips. They go back
by degrees. Chaplin‘s mustache being about
the nearest thing to none at all.“
Redaktioneller Inhalt
Alan Nevins & Henry Steele Commager, The Pocket History
of the United States, New York 1942: „In the presidential elections
of 1916 Wilson was successful, largely because he had ,kept
us out of war.‘“
He Kept Us out of War. That‘s his campaign slogan.
The fighting in Europe dominates the campaign. Woodrow Wilson campaigns for re-election on a pledge of continued neutrality
in the World War One
Election night is on November 7, 1916. The electoral vote
is one of the closest in American history – with 266 votes needed
to win, Wilson takes 30 states for 277 electoral votes, while
Hughes wins 18 states and 254 electoral votes.
After the sinking of seven U.S. merchant ships by submarines
and the publication of the Zimmerman telegram, Wilson
calls for war on Germany, which the U.S. Congress declares
on April 6, 1917.
Am 28. Juli 1914 hat der Erste Weltkrieg begonnen –
„the european war“ wird er oft in amerikanischen Zeitungen
vorerst noch genannt. Am 7. November 1916 gewinnt
US-Präsident Wilson die Wiederwahl. Sein Slogan –
He kept us out of war – ist erfolgreich. Am 6. April 1917 ruft
Wilson aber zum Krieg gegen Deutschland auf.