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Charles Chaplin, Vanity Fair, New York, January 1920.

Charlie Chaplin – Artist and Flaneur

Who is Probably Both the Best Known Man in the World

and the Best Liked

(...) Photo, Vanity Fair, Jan. 1920


The extraordinary boy movie actor discovered by Charlie

Chaplin. Mr. Chaplin has been working with the boy

for over a year now on a new film called „The Kid,“ in which

the both appear

(...) Photo, Vanity Fair, Jan. 1920

„By pure accident“

Editorial content. „The Marvellous Boy of the Movies

     Some Remarks on the Discovery

      of Jack Coogan, and the Picture Built Around Him

      By Charlie Chaplin

      A FRIEND of mine once said  that all forms of art are

love letters from the artist to the world.“ (...)

      „It was by pure accident that I met this remarkable

child-actor. He was with his parents in a Los

Angeles hotel, sleeping, as a child will, in a chair. He was

roused in order to meet me. He rubbed his eyes,

jumped up, made his politest bow, and promptly went

back to sleep.

      However, in that instant, I had seen the rare quality

of Jack Coogan.“ (...)

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