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The Kid Clippings 15/268

Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Calif., December 31, 1919.

Mildred Harris Chaplin

      The Star Charming


      Starring in „The Inferior Sex“

A First National Attraction

Produced by Louis B. Mayer (...)

      Does Marriage Kill Love?

(... ) Exhibitors Herald, Dec. 27, 1919

& Louis B. Mayer Presents



      „Polly of the Storm Country“ (...)

A First National Attraction

(...) Motion Picture News, April 3, 1920

„Everybody got soaked, including the star“

Editorial content. „Mildred Chaplin‘s Report.

      Mildred Harris Chaplin reports that for one she knows

that Prof. Albert Porta‘s predictions regarding storms

at Christmas-time came true. Though bad weather was not

general, there was a huge rain at the Louis B. Mayer

studio, the storm-center being the village set used in Grace

Miller White‘s Polly of the Storm Country, in which

Mrs. Chaplin plays the star part. Incidentally, of course,

everybody got soaked, including the star.

      More than fifty workmen were engaged throughout the

night raising and felling eucalyptus trees which

ranged from 100 to 150 feet in height. In short, it is likely

that this storm will prove one of the most convincing

ever filmed.“

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