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The Kid Clippings 16/268

New York Tribune, New York, January 18, 1920.

Norman Rockwell (creator), Charlie Chaplin Fans

(...) Saturday Evening Post Cover, Oct. 14, 1916

& TODAY The First Essanay-Chaplin Review of 1916

In 5 Acts

(...) Motion Picture News, Nov. 4, 1916

& Topics of the Day (...)


(...) Exhibitors Herald, Jan. 3, 1920

& Mildred Harris, undated

& Stars that Soar on High

      NOW that aviation has become the favorite out-of-doors

sport of film celebrities, directors out on the west coast

are becoming prematurely grey. Mrs. Charlie Chaplin is the

latest to take up flying and recently flew to a mountain

location for a scene in „Polly of the Storm Country,“ from the

Chaplin Aviation Field to Los Angeles. Douglas

Fairbanks, Marjorie Daw, Mary Pickford, Mildred Harris

Chaplin and Charles Chaplin make up this group

of high-salaried flyers.

(...) Exhibitors Herald, Chicago, Jan. 17, 1920

„Charlie Chapeau“

Editorial content. „Left – Mildred Harris, pretty wife

of Charlie Chaplin, exhibits her ,Charlie Chapeau,‘ a millinery

creation made from one of the world famous derbies

that are as much a part of Charlie as are his feet. Satin and

plumes make it a charming crown for this

movie queen.“

      Underwood Photo.

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