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Roseburg Review, Roseburg, Oregon, September 1, 1916.

The new cavalryman of France. he is prepared, with the steel

helmet, for duty in the trenches.

(...) Photo Underwood & Underwood, New York Tribune,

Sept. 24, 1916

& A French dragoon patrol entering a farmyard in Artois to water

their horses are heartily welcomed by the owner and

his wife, non the less so because the old farmer himself saw

service in a dragoon regiment in the franco-prussian

war forty-six years ago.

(...) Photo Underwood & Underwood, New York Times,

Sept. 17, 1916

& Though his publicity breaks all records, being limited only

by the habitable globe, little if anything has been

recorded of the private life of Charles Chaplin, comic funny man

of the Mutual.

      He is 26 years old and is a serious-minded young fellow

whose entire time is spent in seeking to better himself

in other lines. He doesn‘t want to remain a funny man of the

cinema all his life. He wants to make a name for himself

in some other field that will win him as much fame

– and money – as he has earned on the screen. Chaplin is,

in fact, a dreamer –a dreamer who doesn‘t fall asleep

in off hours.

      Chaplin is an exceptionally good violinist. He is also

a composer. he lives quietly and well, dresses

with circumspect taste, owns several automobiles, employs

a chauffeur, a valet and several secretaries. He does

not smoke to excess or drink at all. According to his own

account he once smoked a cigar. He has never

cared to repeat the attempt.

      On the other hand he is an expert tennis

player and clever dancer. Golf is his most

recent adopted enthusiasm. Motoring is his hobby.

       In the studio Chaplin is a prolific worker.

He directs as well as acts. Every set, regardless of its size,

is placed under his personal supervision. He is an

expert in ligthing effects. Every thing must be in proper shape

before he will literally „start.“ Once started, he becomes

just about the busiest man imaginable.

      The Los Angeles Athletic club is his home during his stay

in Los Angeles.



County Sun, San Bernardino, California, Sept. 2, 1916

„He saw Charlie Chaplin“

Editorial content. „SAW CHARLIE CHAPLIN.

      Bertram Bates, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Bates, arrived

in Hollywood, Calif., Monday night, where he will

be employed as a reporter on a newspaper. In a letter

received here yesterday Mr. Bates said he saw

Chaplin who is a resident of Hollywood. He also saw a number

of other famous movie actors who are located at that

place. Mr. Bates says Hollywood is one of the most attractive

towns he ever visited and expects to remain there


      Betram Bates, reporter and cartoonist for the Hollywood

      Citizen, returns to Roseburg at the end of 1916.

Redaktioneller Inhalt

Alan Nevins & Henry Steele Commager, The Pocket History

of the United States, New York 1942: „In the presidential elections

of 1916 Wilson was successful, largely because he had ,kept

us out of war.‘“

      He Kept Us out of War. That´s his campaign slogan.

The fighting in Europe dominates the campaign. Woodrow Wilson campaigns for re-election on a pledge of continued neutrality

in the World War One

      Election night is on November 7, 1916. The electoral vote

is one of the closest in American history – with 266 votes needed

to win, Wilson takes 30 states for 277 electoral votes, while

Hughes wins 18 states and 254 electoral votes.

      After the sinking of seven U.S. merchant ships by submarines

and the publication of the Zimmerman telegram, Wilson

calls for war on Germany, which the U.S. Congress declares

on April 6, 1917.

Am 28. Juli 1914 hat der Erste Weltkrieg begonnen –

„the european war“ wird er oft in amerikanischen Zeitungen

vorerst noch genannt. Am 7. November 1916 gewinnt

US-Präsident Wilson die Wiederwahl. Sein Slogan –

He kept us out of war – ist erfolgreich. Am 6. April 1917 ruft

Wilson aber zum Krieg gegen Deutschland auf.

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