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The Rink Clippings 1/55

New York Clipper, New York, December 6, 1916.

Two girls in roller skates wear „Don‘t Be A Scrab“ sashes,

New York, 1916,


LEARN TO SKATE Exclusive hotels and apartments are

giving skating parties – clubs are being formed – most graceful and healthful sport – taking society by storm – beginners

taught free – form your own club and we will extend special

courtesies. Broadway Rink, 1037 South Broadway.

2-5 p. m., 7:30-10 p. m. daily, except Monday evening, which

is reserved for an exclusive club.

(...) Los Angeles Herald, April 4, 1914

& King Tango I. Assassinated in Los Angeles

      ,Who killed King Tango?‘

      ,I,‘ said the roller skate. ,I killed King Tango.‘

      There is more truth than poetry in the above paraphrase

of Mother Goose, for the roller skating craze has

invaded the smart set of the city with terrific speed, and the

question now to the minds of many is ,Where can I

learn to skate? Where can I take the kiddies for an afternoon

of healthful pleasure?‘ There is but one answer.

The Broadway Skating Rink at 1037 South Broadway fills the bill.

It has been reopened under new management, whose

one ideal will be to make it strictly a family institution. A place

where all may come, with no fear of entering anything

but a refined, wholesome atmosphere. Where the morals of your

children are guarded as carefully as in the home. It has

been redecorated and renovated. It is a new building, with 20,000

feet of skating surfacing, and there is a brass band in

attendance every night. Competent instructors and attendants,

who are picked for their high moral character, will offer

every aid to the beginner, while the more intricate steps will

be taught at a small nominal cost. 

      Skating is acknowledged a healthful and exhilarating

exercise. Doctors recommend it. Society is crazy over

it. Get in the swim. Rink open every afternoon and evening

except Monday nights, when it is leased to the

Engstrum club, an organization made up of members of the

smarter set of the more exclusive hotels and

apartment houses.

(...) Los Angeles Herald, April 4, 1914

      Broadway Skating Rink, 1037 South Broadway, Los Angeles.

& Chaplin‘s next is a roller rink story and the whole

company had to become expert on the art of retaining their


(...) Des Moines Register, Des Moines, Iowa, Dec. 3, 1916

& Charlie Chaplin will be seen this

month in another Mutual-Chaplin laugh provoker. This comedy

will be called The Rink. It will mark his eighth

production for Mutual release under his $670,000 contract.

(...) Detroit Free Press, Detroit, Michigan, Dec. 4, 1916

„Charlie Chaplin‘s next bid for popularity“

Editorial content. „CHAPLIN ON SKATES NEXT

      Charlie Chaplin‘s next bid for popularity will be made

in a two reeler called The Rink. Nat Goodwin

appeared in a farce twenty-five years ago, entitled The Skating

Rink. The roller skating craze was just beginning

to become a popular fad at the time.“

Redaktioneller Inhalt

Alan Nevins & Henry Steele Commager, The Pocket History

of the United States, New York 1942: „In the presidential elections

of 1916 Wilson was successful, largely because he had ,kept

us out of war.‘“

      He Kept Us out of War. That‘s his campaign slogan.

The fighting in Europe dominates the campaign. Woodrow Wilson campaigns for re-election on a pledge of continued neutrality

in the World War One

      Election night is on November 7, 1916. The electoral vote

is one of the closest in American history – with 266 votes needed

to win, Wilson takes 30 states for 277 electoral votes, while

Hughes wins 18 states and 254 electoral votes.

      After the sinking of seven U.S. merchant ships by submarines

and the publication of the Zimmerman telegram, Wilson

calls for war on Germany, which the U.S. Congress declares

on April 6, 1917.

Am 28. Juli 1914 hat der Erste Weltkrieg begonnen –

„the european war“ wird er oft in amerikanischen Zeitungen

vorerst noch genannt. Am 7. November 1916 gewinnt

US-Präsident Wilson die Wiederwahl. Sein Slogan –

He kept us out of war – ist erfolgreich. Am 6. April 1917 ruft

Wilson aber zum Krieg gegen Deutschland auf.

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