Cartoon & Comic 3/5: Wallace A. Carlson
Moving Picture World, New York, August 7, 1915.
General Film Service
Do You Like Plays of Real Life? (...)
Has a Laugh on the Boss
By Wallace A. Carlson
1 reel cartoon (...)
is one of Charlie Chaplin‘s greatest laugh makers
(...) Ad, Motion Picture News, Sept. 30, 1916
„The funniest of all Dreamy Dud animated cartoons“
Editorial content. „,Dreamy Dud sees
Charlie Chaplin‘ (Essanay).
This is the funniest of all Dreamy Dud animated
cartoons drawn by Wallace A. Carlson und released by Essanay
twice a month.“ (...)
Redaktioneller Inhalt. Dud und sein Hund Wag
schaffen es in die Kinovorstellung, wo Charlie Chaplin es mit
einem Esel zu tun hat. Den Cartoon Dreamy Dud sees
Charlie Chaplin von Wallace A. Carlson bringt Essanay 1915 heraus.