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Between Showers Clippings 4/25

Richmond Item, Richmond, Indiana, February 28, 1914.

Between Showers Scenes


1930s, postcard in color, ebay


A snapshot taken by the camera of ALF REEVES, manager

of the KARNO COMEDY CO. Mr. Reeves is standing

on the right-hand side. A Washington D. C. store awarded

the daily prize for the above as the best amateur

snap of the day.

      The Karno Co. will again be piloted over

SULLIVAN-CONSIDINE CIRCUIT opening June 29 at Detroit.

This will be its sixth return date on that time. The

company has just finished playing eleven weeks in and

around Philadelphia for Fred Nixon-Nirdlinger.

(...) Photo with Charles Chaplin in front of the poster advertising

Karno‘s Komedy at Metropolitan Opera House,

Variety, June 20, 1913

& Charlie Chaplin with the cast of a road show, A Night

in a London Club, photographed outside the

theater at Colorado Springs, shortly before pictures

claimed him.

(...) Photoplay, May 1924

& Film Flashes

Charles Chaplin, who came to this country

with Fred Karno‘s English Music Hall,

has been engaged for comedy work with the Keystone.

(...) Variety, March 13, 1914

& „Between Showers.“ (Keystone Feb. 28.)

– Ford Sterling and the new English comedian of the Keystone

Company. play the leads in this comedy. A crook (Ford

Sterling) changes umbrellas with a policeman, and then loans

it to a girl who insists later that it is hers. The crook

recovers ,his‘ property, but the girl sends a friend to get it back.

The friend is successful, but the cop arrives,

and on seeing him the crook refuses the contrivance.

They are all arrested.

(...) Motion Picture News, March 7, 1914

„A Rib-Tickling“

Advertisement. „PALACE


      Between Showers

      A Rib-Tickling


      ,Featuring Ford Sterling‘“ (...)

      Palace Theatre, Richmond.

      Between Showers is released

      by Keystone Feb 28, 1914.


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