Kid Auto Races at Venice, Cal.   next   previous

Kid Auto Races at Venice Clippings 2/15

Pittsburg Daily Post, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, February 8, 1914.

Kid Auto Races at Venice Scenes

& „PITTSBURGH, Fifth Avenue, cor. of Wood St,“ undated,

postcard, Collection of Jon Bell, detail



circa 1930, postcard, Antique Auction Now

& The front of the Columbia theatre,

Pittsburgh, Pa., was almost completely concealed by the vast

spread of stock paper, special banners and cutouts

displayed during the showing of The Kid, Charles Chaplin‘s First

National feature. Theatres catering to transient

patronage have found the production especially suited to flash

exploitation, its stimulative influence upon that phase

of theatre thought figuring importantly in shaping the present

trend of exhibitor advertising.

Photo showing Columbia, exterior by day, marquee

Charles Chaplin in The Kid, Pittsburgh

(...) Exhibitors Herald, Chicago, April 9, 1921, detail.

„The highest attainable level of excellence

Editorial content. „COLUMBIA.

      The Columbia photoplays at this popular house

contain every variety of motion pictures made,

and the making up of the daily programs will surely satisfy

all demands and patrons are guaranteed that

the quality of the Columbia pictures will always be maintained

and of the highest attainable level of excellence,

showing continuously without any waits. Perfect pictures

properly presented and a fine musical program,

makes a visit to this house one worth while for both young

and old, and specially for ladies and children.“ (...)

      „Tuesday – The Dancer, two reels, Than.; Kid Auto Races

at Venice, Key.“ (...)

      Columbia Theatre, 341 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa.

      Kid Auto Races at Venice is released

      by Keystone Feb. 7, 1914.

Redaktioneller Inhalt

      Vor ihrer tatsächlichen Kamera bauen die Leute

von Keystone als Staffage eine zweite auf, eine Kamera der Wochenschau, welche die Veranstaltung filmen soll

und einen Zaungast wie Charlie geradezu magisch anzieht.

      Die New York Motion Picture Corporation schaltet

Anzeigen für die vier von ihr als Marken beworbenen

Filmproduktionsgesellschaften. „Vier Asse.“ Dazu gehören

die „Keystone Comedies.“ Fünf Filmstarts diese Woche.

Der dritte: „7. Februar – Kid Auto Races at Venice – Olives

and Their Oil. 1 Spule.“

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