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The Circus Clippings 93/376

Los Angeles Evening Express, Dec. 3, 1926

„I came home dead tired after a hard day‘s work“

Editorial content. „CHAS. CHAPLIN OPENS


      Charlie Locks Self in Home With Lawyers, Planning

      Legal Action


      Actor Ousted Noble Guests From Home, Is Complaint

      Of Lita Grey

      Behind locked and guarded doors of his great white

mansion atop Beverly‘s highest hill, Charlie Chaplin,

brother ,Sid‘ and a battery of attorney gathered today to save,

if possible, the bulk of the movie comedian‘s millions

which, it is expected, will be demanded by his estranged

wife, the former Lita Grey, when she brings action

for separate maintenance.

      At the same time Mrs. Chaplin told the story of the wreck

of the Chaplins‘ matrimonial bark to her attorney, George

Beebe, who will represent her in the court action which is to follow.


      Beebe was silent as to the nature of the charges which

will be lodged against the comedian.

      It was generally reported, however, that if a fifth love has

come to Chaplin – he, in days past, has admitted his

heart affairs first with Edna Purviance, the Mildred Harris,

whom he married and who divorced him; then Pola

Negri, who broke her engagement to him, and lastly Miss

Grey – it will ever lead to the altar.

      Miss Grey, it was reported, supposedly from reliable

sources, would not set Chaplin free to marry again.

      Instead, it was said, she would explain to the court that

she wished ,only to live for her two children,‘ and,

as a result, would apply for separation, the bulk of the

Chaplin fortune, which would be used for the

support of herself and her two sons, whose custody she

will demand.

      Chaplin was the first to explain the wreck of his

matrimonial bark.

      The whole affair, he insists, dates from Monday night.

His wife, he said, had been entertaining the Baron

and Baroness Mille de Precourt and a party of friends, whose

acquaintance she had made aboard ship on her recent

trip to Honolulu.

      ,I came home dead tired after a hard day‘s work,‘

Chaplin said.

      Had Mrs. Chaplin been present, she said later, she

would have interrupted at this point to recall to the

comedian‘s mind that ,it was one of the few nights he had

ever come home at all.‘

      ,I retired early,‘ Chaplin continued, ,and my wife with

her friends came in about 2:30 o‘clock.‘

      ,Oh, that isn‘t so at all,‘ Mrs. Chaplin vows she would

have declared had she heard her husband make

the statement. ,It was only about 1 o‘clock – with my friends

I had been to the theater, had a bite at the Biltmore

and then drove straight home.‘


      Chaplin went on with his story:

      ,I was awakened by the noise. The guests, both men and

women, awoke everyone in the house, including

the babies. They were playing the organ, the piano and

the phonograph at the same time. I sent a servant

to Mrs. Chaplin, asked her to come upstairs, and there

requested her to have the party leave. The did

as I asked.‘“ (...)

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