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The Kid Clippings 212/268

Exhibitors Herald, Chicago, June 25, 1921

„In a city of 10,500 population“

Editorial content. „Windows, Lobbies, Business

      Window and lobby displays play prominent part in the

exploitation conducted by R. P. Whitfield, manager

of the Lyric and Liberty theatres, San Angelo, Tex., whose

window setting for The Kid and lobby dressing

for The City of Silent Men are shown in accompanying

reproductions of Mr. Whitfield‘s photographs.

The illustrations show the class of work he maintains in a city

of 10,500 population. The slogan his contribution

suggests, ,Windows, Lobbies, Business,‘ is an excellent

one for any city to adopt.““

      Lyric Theatre, 15 East Concho Avenue, San Angelo.

      Two photos.

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