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Between Showers Clippings 2/25

East Oregonian, Pendleton, Umatilla Co, Oregon, Feb. 28, 1914.

Between Showers Scenes

& Cosy Theater – Pendleton, Ore. C. P. Bruce, Manager.

(...) Photo, Moving Picture World, Sept. 2, 1911

& Cosy Theatre, Sunday (...)

Keystone Comedy, Between Showers

(...) East Oregonian, Pendleton, Feb. 28, 1914

„Ford Sterling and his company of jumping jacks“

Editorial content. „Cosy – Sunday.“ (...)

      „Between Showers. Keystone. Ford Sterling and his company

of jumping jacks in another riot of fun,“ (...)

      Cosy, next door to St. George Hotel (368 S. Main St.), Pendleton.

      Between Showers is released

      by Keystone Feb 28, 1914.

Redaktioneller Inhalt

      Ford Sterling, der Keystone verlassen will, tritt in diesem

Film mit Chaplin, seinem Nachfolger, zusammen auf –

beide bemühen sich ums selbe Mädchen, das Emma Clifton gibt.

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Chaplins Schatten

Bericht einer Spurensicherung