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City Lights Clippings 379/387

Paul Rotha, Celluloid, London 1931

„A masterpiece of humor“

Editorial content. „City Lights“ (...)

      „During the thirty odd years for which the cinema

has existed as a medium of expression, no other film has

received such advance publicity as that accorded

City Lights. No film has ever been more eagerly awaited

by the general public, the small-witted intelligentsia

and the film trade itself. Fanned to a pitch of semi-hysterical

anticipation by the Press, the cinemagoing public

was prepared to find in Chaplin‘s new comedy a masterpiece

of humor, eclipsing the brilliance of both The Circus

and The Gold Rush.“ (...)

      Celluloid. The Film To-Day, Paul Rotha

      (Founder of the Film Group, Author of The Film till Now),

      Longmans, Green and Co.,

      London, New York, Toronto 1931  


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