Modern Times 1935 1936 1937 next previous
Modern Times Clippings 95/382
Lorenzo Turrent Rozas, Living Age, Ruta, Jalapa, Mexico,
reprinted in Evening Sun, Baltimore, Maryland, July 13, 1934
„Set out for the horizon that is growing fainter“
Editorial content. „Charlie Chaplin‘s Decline
(Translated for the Living Age from Ruta, Jalapa, Mexico,
Communist Literary Monthly)
SINCE City Lights, the public has responded unfavorably
to Charlie Chaplin and is beginning to censure him
as sentimental, deficient in technique, or stubbornly clinging
to the silent films of the past, whereas only a short
time ago he was treated almost with servility: ,two, three,
four geniuses have illuminated this century – Charlie
Chaplin and . . .‘ Now even Maxim Gorki has criticized him
seriously and with penetration. What is the reason
for this displeasure and censure?“ (...)
„His fate is inevitable. As in The Circus, he will have to pull
himself together and set out for the horizon that is
growing fainter, the horizon of an epoch that will founder
with him.“
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Modern Times 1935 1936 1937 next previous