Modern Times 1935 1936 1937 next previous
Modern Times Clippings 98/382
Charles Darnton, Photoplay, New York, August 1934.
Charles Darnton, undated, Internet Movie Database
& Chas. Darnton Writes Film Columns for N. Y.
(...) Hollywood Vagabond, March 17, 1927
„The Woman Who Found Charlie Chaplin“
Editorial content. „The Woman Who Found
Charlie Chaplin
Amy Minister called him ,marvelous‘ when he was
a boy trouper
By Charles Darnton
Naturally enough, there‘s a woman in this hitherto
untold story of Charlie Chaplin. A woman who saw and understood.
A woman out of whose discernment and intuition
was wrought the romance of fame. A woman who was quick
to recognize genius.“ (...)
Four photos.
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Modern Times 1935 1936 1937 next previous